Saturday, March 20, 2021

Places To Read, An Unintentional Multipart Short Story Series – Part 4


When Avoiding People

It's fairly obvious that books are, in general, better than people. They are, therefore, the best way to avoid people. However, this opportunity doesn't always arise and you're forced to socialise with people you honestly don't care about – at least, you care about several fictional characters more.

Your aunt and uncle are round, sitting in the living room with your parents. You're meant to be in there as well, you haven't seen them for ages (your aunt and uncle that is. You saw your parents half an hour ago when they told you that you would have to socialise.) 

You can hear laughter travelling up the stairs, but you don't know what the joke was because you are smart. You made the excuse that you needed to use the bathroom and have been in there, the door locked, perched on the side of the bathtub, a book open in your hands as you multitask, both reading and balancing at the same time. You are a genius.

That is until there is a knock on the door, asking if you're okay because you've been in there for half an hour. You reply, saying that, yes, you're fine and you'll be out in a minute. Of course, that means you have to leave and smuggle the book out, otherwise your plan will have been foiled and you will be forced to go and sit down with your family.

With the book clasped behind your back, you leave the safety of the bathroom and ask if anyone wants a drink. Yes, they do, of course they do. They're adults, all they do is drink tea and coffee.

You escape into the kitchen. Your parents can't force you to sit down now, your aunt and uncle want a drink and it would be rude to deny them one. With the drinks being made, you can lean against the kitchen counters and read. The kettle finishes boiling and the coffee is done. Just a few more minutes though, they won't know.

Except they got curious when it took you fifteen minutes to make drinks and came to investigate. Your book has been confiscated and you are sat in the sitting room, half listening to your aunt drone on about her cat while you wish you were upstairs, in your room, with your book, and that your family didn't like talking so very much...


I think everyone has tried this at least once – I mean, sometimes visitors can be fun and entertaining, and sometimes it's nice to see people, but really? Most of us would rather be alone with a book and a cupcake, am I right?

Speaking of cupcakes, now I want one. I have only myself to blame.

I hope you also now want a cupcake, so you can share this pain of not having access to any.

And if you do have access to cupcakes... I hate you.

Not really, but I'm sure you understand what I mean.



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