Saturday, February 20, 2021

Why impulsiveness and hair don't mix

Why impulsiveness and hair don't mix

You might be able to tell where this post is going.

When I was little, my hair grew really slowly and my brothers' hair grew really fast. I remember sitting in the hairdressers, waiting as my brothers got their hair cut and I didn't, thinking 'I want to be a hairdresser when I grow up'.

This is where it all started going wrong.

I had it cut very short at one point – shaved sides and the little floof on top.

You may be wondering where this is going, but this specific haircut is very crucial to the story. As, when you have such a haircut, it doesn't grow out evenly. The sides reached my shoulders before the top had reached my chin. When the top layer was just long enough was when I reached for the scissors and lobbed it off, in a lovely little bob. And I must say, it was cut very straight.

Skip forwards about a year, I'm obviously bored again. So I cut my fringe. Not short, it fell past the end of my nose, but it was a change and there's nothing quite like feeling freshly cut hair and your fingers not being used to the hair ending so suddenly.

Skip four more days and I want my hair short again. So I pick up my trusty green kitchen scissors and chop chop chop. The return of the little bob is here.

This is where I explain the impulsiveness fully. When I cut my fringe, it was because I was watching Spiderman: Homecoming and there's a scene where they're getting on the bus to go to the decathlon. MJ talks about protesting. She has a fringe. It was not three minutes later that I sat back down with a fringe like hers.

I decided that I wanted to cut my hair short about half an hour before I did it. I gave a friend updates as I did it, questioning why I do these things and why she's not texting back and stopping me.

My hair is a little (lot) shorter than I meant for it to be. And yes, IS. This happened this week. My hair barely reaches back into a ponytail.


I have a feeling this is not going to be the last time I make a drastic decision without prior thought and I have a feeling at some point, I'm going to make a decision more drastic than cutting my hair. Hair grows back, what's going to happen when I end up with last minute decision tattoos?!

I don't know how interesting this post is, but I wrote it late at night so I can be excused. Please, though, let me know if you enjoyed reading it or not. What sort of content do you actually want? Stories about me, short stories by me, posts about books, movies, WHAT IS IT YOU WANT?!

Let me know or else I'll keep doing whatever it is I want and you'll have to put up with it.


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