Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Being Unoriginal and Asking Twitter for Questions to Answer

 I asked for questions on Twitter

I figured, I have no idea what to post about, I ran out of ideas after about five posts. So, like the unoriginal person I am, I went on my Twitter and asked for questions so I could answer them and pretend I'm interesting. Here are the questions I got and my answers!

Who are your favourite fictional characters?

Well, this might take a while! If we're talking books, I tend to like characters that make me want to be a better person. For example, Tris from Divergent made me want to exercise, but I was too busy reading to actually get up! Another character might be Evan from The 5th Wave, partially because I had a bit of a crush on him.

If we're talking movies, I like characters that go through a lot because it's interesting to watch and I'm obviously a mean person who likes watching others suffer. I must admit, most of the characters I like in movies and TV shows are generally male, and I generally like them because of the actors. An example of this would be Tom Holland's Spiderman.

TV show wise, I tend to fall in love with the characters more than in movies, probably because I spend more time watching them. I'm currently going through a Peaky Blinder's phase, and Tommy Shelby is my computer screensaver. Yes, I'm that sad. I'm also currently in a Supernatural phase, which has been going on for about a year so far, and I have to say, Sam is one of my absolute favourite characters in that.

Sorry, I rambled a little too much on that answer! Notice how there's only one female character in this answer...

Do you watch soaps?

I have to be honest, I had to look up the definition of what classes as a soap. This may be a clear sign I do not intentionally search out shows to watch that are considered soaps. However, Mr. Google tells me that both Friends and How I Met Your Mother are soaps (I beg to differ, I would call them sitcoms, but who's really bothered), and I have watched both of those and enjoyed them both. I haven't actually finished watching How I Met Your Mother yet, because my brother was also watching it and finished it before me and let slip the ending. Brothers - the most infuriating creature to roam the earth.

Do you have a colour theme in your room?

Yes! I used to have a room with no theme at all, it was very much like Bella's room in Twilight - random colours everywhere. And no, I'm not a Twilight fan, but I have read the books and watched the movies, which is how I came to the conclusion of hating it (after a period of loving it, a phase I much regret). Now, my room has a purple and grey theme. Half of my walls are purple, the other half are grey. I have wooden floors and furniture (bookcase, wardrobe, shelves). I have a grey rug and curtains, and purple and grey bedsheets. It all matches very nicely and I'm very pleased with the outcome of my careful planning. The only very different colour in my room is the plants in my windowsill, of which I have far too many and need to stop buying more.

Give us a moment where someone you didn't like experienced karma.

I had to sit and think about this one for a bit. I don't tend to dislike people, unless I'm related to them and they give me good reason. From this conclusion, I remembered a time when I was playing tennis and I was on the team with one of my little brothers (the same one who gave away the ending of How I Met Your Mother). I am not very good at tennis, and he is. Therefore, there was a lot of yelling at me to 'get the ball' and to 'run, you're missing it'. I missed quite a couple. Getting bored of the yelling, I basically stood still and hit any that came my way and let him get the rest, much like in Wii Sports Tennis - I was the person at the front. Anyways, after all this shouting at me, he tripped and fell. He got back up, blaming me for missing the ball, but his wrist was hurting. Turns out, he sprained it (it was assumed broken for a while, until the swelling went down) and he couldn't play tennis for four weeks. I think this counts pretty well as someone experiencing karma for being mean to me, even though it doesn't really fit the criteria of the question.

And with a grand total of four questions asked, I have managed to stretch this out into a full post because of my inability to shut up. Success!

If you wanted to follow me on Twitter, for when I inevitably run out of ideas again and ask for more unoriginal ideas, you can do so here:


I also post kind of funny Tweets sometimes, so there's that too.

Thank you so much for the questions, because otherwise this week would've had some stupid post about my organisation of books or something - spoiler alert, they aren't ordered at all.


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