Now that the UK has well and truly transitioned from Spring into Summer, the time has come again for the well known debates – which is your favourite season? Do you prefer the hot or the cold? Who wants a barbecue?
Well, the last one doesn’t quite match, but even still, it’s a question everyone is asking.
But getting back onto topic. I have spoken about my favourite things about each season before, but never really gone into much detail. The time has come!
Let’s start at the very beginning (a very good place to start). The winter has dragged on for months, and everyone is well and truly fed up of waiting for the cold to go away, and the plants to start growing again. The first buds begin to grow on the trees and small green things start sprouting from the ground. Spring is, in itself, and okay season. After winter, it’s nice to see things turning green outside, even if the sky remains grey, and you still need to wear a jumper and coat when you go outside.
Of course, as Spring progresses, it does get warmer, but still. Pretty okay. Spring is probably the most difficult season for me to really talk about, because it’s such a bland season. Yes, plants start coming to life, and baby animals are born, and joy is in the air, but Spring is a month where not a lot really happens. Other than all the new life and stuff. For me, Spring has always been the month of nothingness, which you think will bring joy and weak sunlight pushing through the clouds, eradicating the coldness of Winter from the air, and making way for Summer, but instead, it’s miserable, rainy, and just as cold and upsetting.
I am not a big fan of Spring. Could you tell?!
After Winter lasting for ages, and Spring taking it’s sweet time morphing the world back into some sort of life, Summer finally arrives. It gets hot and dry, and people flock to the beach as barbecues and various meat products fly off supermarket shelves. Of course, within what feels like a week, it’s raining again, but still.
Summer is the reason I’m writing this post at all. I am sat on my bed writing this, with horrible sunburn on my shoulders, my upper back, and my chest. No, I did not sunbathe. I went on holiday to a seaside town, which is usually damp and depressing, and on a day where I still had goosebumps outside, I burned to a crisp. I didn’t think it was even remotely warm enough to even consider needing suncream. So, yeah.
I am not a big fan of heat. There’s a phrase that I use many, many times throughout the year, that goes ‘it’s much easier to warm up than to cool down’. This is my own saying (as far as I’m aware). I much prefer the cold over the heat. Heat is too much to deal with. Everything slows down, even your own brain, and you can’t get comfortable properly because it’s too hot to get properly cosy. That being said, travelling in Australia is on my bucket list – considering I don’t do well with the heat, or with spiders, I am not sure how that’s going to go, but I’m looking forward to going there at some point, regardless.
Ah, the favourite season of so many. The leaves on the trees begin to turn different shades, and the heat begins to die down. There may be a chill in the air, signalling the oncoming Winter, even through Winter is not quite here.
I do quite like Autumn. It’s pretty outside, it’s not too hot, not too cold. Autumn and Spring both seem to be passing seasons, just stepping in to bridge the gap between Winter and Summer. However, whereas Spring only really has the fact that Summer is on its way going for it, Autumn is a season to get excited for as well.
One thing about Autumn that a lot of people get much more excited about than me is Halloween. I have never been much of a Halloween celebrator, I only ever went to one Halloween party, and that was at my own house when I was maybe six. I never went trick or treating, and it wasn’t very popular in my area, so we never really had people come to the door either. Halloween is just another day for me, except everyone on social media is in the mood to share creepy and scary things.
The season that either brings dread or joy. It might be cold, and dull, and everything is a little damp and grey, but there is something about waking up in the morning, going outside, and breathing in frosty air that really wakes you up and gives you a feeling of contentment. Plus, Christmas is in Winter, so everyone looks forward to it… but did you know that Winter doesn’t technically start until December 21st? No, Christmas isn’t smack bang in the middle of winter, it is right at the start. I can’t help but think that was poor planning. If it were at the end of winter, everyone would have something to look forward to!
I can’t quite tell if Winter or Autumn is my favourite season. I like the cooler weather more, but Autumn tends to be a little less wet than Winter… I do like wrapping up in various woollen garments, though, and Autumn is a little too warm to warrant that kind of behaviour.
So what is my verdict? I enjoy the cold more than the heat, so technically Spring and Winter, but by Spring, I’ve had enough of the cold, and so Spring is a disappointment. One week into Summer, though, and I can’t wait for Autumn, because it’s too hot, and I don’t like it. Basically, I don’t like weather that stays the same for any period of time longer than a week. If it could just rotate out with rain, sun, cold, and warmth, I would be happy.
Of course, that’s entirely impossible.
Oh well.
Now I've finished writing this, I will sit, with my poor, burned, shoulders and back slathered in cream, waiting for the cool evening air to make it comfortable enough for me to get cosy wrapped up in a blanket. Which will probably not happen.
That's all for now...